A Century of Induced Perception Change

This was an article I have been planning for some time and finally everything came together for me to get it out to the public. I think it is important that when America talks politics, they should understand not only the difference in our political perception from those of our ancestors just 100 years ago, but also how our modern perception came to be. This history of these changes will demonstrate how through the implementation of manipulations of subject details in school, the Foundation driven changes have restructured the very thought process of the American public. These manipulations not only changed the content of the material taught in school, but have had the impact of resetting the limits of the public’s imagination to a much smaller box then Americans once enjoyed.
Our ancestors 100 Years ago would be shocked by our modern views, not because they wouldn’t understand them, but because they would understand them far better than we do today. Having recently watched the fall of Russia to the Communist’s and bearing current witness to the Nazi bid for world dominance, Americans knew first hand the power of propaganda and misinformation. It is modern Americans who are no longer able to comprehend the views of Liberty that America was founded on. Modern Americans are so confused that they are unable to detect the march to tyranny being conducted by their own feet.
Foundations, the drivers of these changes, actually have been around for a long time; however, they weren’t really popular with the Ultra-Wealthy until the implementation of the 16th Amendment. The 16th Amendment provided the legalization for the US Government to use money issued from a Privately-Owned Central Bank. Prior to that, this was prohibited by the Constitution and only the US Government could issue money. Since American Dollars issued after the passing of 16th amendment were owned by this private bank named misleadingly the Federal Reserve, all money issued to the American people was by way of loans. Ownership of the money is plainly marked as can be seen in the images below comparing pre and post 16th Amendment money.

As we all know, loans require interest to be paid against the total loan balance, however unlike a typical loan, there were no terms of actual repayment of Federal Reserve money borrowed by the US Government. This was because the intent was a perpetual debt.
Like all lenders, the Federal Reserve now required a system of collateral to guarantee payment of the terms of interest. While all the details are complex, this led to the creation of the IRS. See collection of taxes against the fruits of the labor of individual citizens IS explicitly forbidden by the Constitution. However, the Constitution does NOT prohibit the taxation of non-person entities that a person maybe responsible for. Such entities can be businesses, corporations, bank accounts, and basically anything generating profit. In order to side step the US Constitution and provide guarantees of interest payments to the Federal Reserve, Americans would be made legally responsible for the taxes due for a fictious PERSON bearing their name.
This can be seen on your Social Security Card, Driver’s license, or any government issued document. You will note that your name is written in ALL CAPITAL letters. How a name is written actually has very specific meaning under the law. The name of a “Person” by law is written with Capital First Letter for each part of the name, eg: John Doe. However by applying a complicated set of “Legal” interpretations across a number of legal statues such as “Blacks Law” and include a terms like “Legal Fiction” and “Color of Law”, a Person (First letter capital and the rest lower case represents an actual entity such as a human) can be made responsible for the debts of a fictious PERSON (In capital letters PERSON stands for a fictious entity) holding a corrupted version of their name normally written in all capital letters, eg: JOHN DOE. This action is “Legal” because there is “no law” prohibiting it. While only an astute Lawyer or Law student could probably figure this out, in a nutshell it is “Legal” to make this association without the understanding of the Person being associated with it. Remember under the law, not understanding the law is not requirement, only obeying it is. Indeed, the documents plainly display the fictious entity right above the signature line, so it is not being accomplished without your knowledge, just without your understanding. Upon signing of your first document bearing the name of this fictious entity you have now inadvertently both created it and taken financial responsibility for it. It is this entity that can be constitutionally taxed by the IRS. The fact that ALL government documents always bear the name of the fictious entity instead of the name of the Person make it basically impossible to evade this association.
Circling back to the Foundations, the profits of the business, interest earning accounts, investments, etc. owned by the Ultra-Wealthy have always been subject to taxes under the Constitution. To side step this requirement, the rich and powerful families channeled all their wealth and properties into tax free Foundations. However, to prevent the common person from doing the same, Foundations have special requirements for this tax-free status that is difficult to obtain. Foundation managers would strategically make long term investments under the guise of altruistic purposes such as education or for medical research. These investments would result in long returns to the same corporations they own, for example by donations of monies to medical schools, they ensured doctors were trained to ONLY use FDA approved patented Pharmaceuticals which were produced by the same companies they owned.
Using the Medial School example above, the odds are many reading this could not see anything wrong with limiting training for doctors to use drugs from what is actually a very limited set of options. This point of view is a result of an opinion coming from the education provided by the school system. Agree with it or not, you have to admit it is in fact a very useful and profitable opinion for the ultra-wealthy owners of drug manufactures.
Back to the pollical system. Consider:
The only thing more profitable than an exclusive market, is a legally mandated exclusive market.
We have been led to believe by our education system that big government is the enemy of big business. We have been taught that the purpose of Government regulations is to control and limit big business. This perception is in fact incorrect. Big Business has always routinely partnered with Government to create laws and policy that require or encourage purchase of their products and services, and more importantly through the use of regulation bar new competitors from entering the market. The reason Americans have this incorrect opinion was because of the Foundation created educational curriculums used within the modern school system.
As long as big government & big business are partners, it is very highly desirable for big business that government have as much control over the individual citizen as possible. This permits control of the market preventing competition, allowing for mandating use of their products and services, and the capability to charge as much as they want for those same things. Teaching the citizens, the opinion that big government is the enemy of big business allows this link to be hidden in plain sight.
To understand the why, lets discuss what has been accomplished. Referring to the diagram below:

On the right we have the commonly understood political mapping prior to 1940. During this era the average American Citizen understood that a politician’s position had to be mapped using two coordinates, similar to finding a location on a physical map. These coordinates can be represented as a horizontal and vertical axis as shown in the diagram on the right. During that era in history, “Left” and “Right” were not obscured as “Values” as they are today, but instead were defined as the level of control a government should have over its citizens. This was a topic of common discussion since the fall of Russia to the Communists and Germany to the Nazi’s; two very dangerous governments that were a part of everyday lives of Americans at that time. On the Vertical axis was the measure of a politician’s level of tolerance for rapid change. It is important to note that Conservatives didn’t oppose change, but rather they approached change slowly, incrementally, in a controlled and deliberate manner.
During this time, it was well understood that an individual pollical position could be a conservative Nazi, or a progressive Anarchist.
As you may have noticed, Liberals were on the right along with the Anarchist.
Liberals in the 1940’s and earlier were the group of people who stood for individual rights above all else. The common person understood that increases in government control always came at the expense of some individual liberty. It was also understood that it was a very slippery slope when government started to legislate social conscience.
Anarchist may require some explanation since the education system has eliminated this concept and reassigned the meaning of the word to chaos. Anarchist, derived from the Greek word for “No Masters”, for hundreds of years was a political system were there wouldn’t be any standing central authority and citizens lived without controls. Schools systems have “educated” students to believe that without controls, such societies were lawless and violent, however that was quite the opposite. These societies also had the benefit of virtually no war, since war is an object of government. History is filled with many examples of such societies, but they are rarely discussed in school.
Note the location of the Democrat and Republican Parties at this point in time sitting just to the left of the far right.
Leveraging their vast financial influence over universities and eventually public education, the Foundations created a new view of the political landscape. Once explained, in many ways it doesn’t even make sense, but making sense isn’t the goal.
First the Vertical axis was eliminated by rotating it, figuratively speaking counter-clockwise into the Horizontal axis. This aligned Progressive with big government and Conservative with small government. Once done it was little effort to equate in the minds of Americans that Progressive = Change while Conservative = No Change. This subtle but significant association would cement in the minds of “Educated” Americans two very important concepts.
– The first was that since the solution to any problem would require change, that                    made the Conservative position the enemy of solutions, and the Progressives’ the                  friend of “progress”.
– Second, but maybe the more significant was that all change would be                                      accomplished by Government mandate.

Capturing the Liberals: As we discussed, a hundred years ago, Liberals were those who held individual Freedom above all else. As a group they were offended and repelled against human suffering. As a general rule, the Liberals started off being Republicans because in most cases it was Government that was the enemy of individual Liberties. This is was why the Republicans were responsible for the removal of laws of oppression such as the Democrat imposed Jim Crow laws and Laws of Segregation. However, unbeknownst to the common person using Government as means of removing these unjust laws was paving the way to using Government to Mandate equality.
Through Foundation Money and back door deals, the NAACP leadership was bought off to call on people of color in America to switch alliance as well. However once in Office the Democrats passed segregation laws that greatly hurt Black America and curtailed their Liberties. What was a particularly significant feat was once the Republicans removed these laws, the NAACP continued to call for the support of the Democrats. A call that was overwhelmingly answered largely due to the control of information sources and continued application of misinformation.
Once the Republicans were firmly associated with the Conservatives, who believed change needed to be slow and consider first, this was used in media and education to paint the “Right” as ineffective and supporters of oppression. While holding no actual bases in reality for this opinion, education and media misinformation funded by Foundation Money was very effective is creating this impression. This image encouraged Liberals to switch alliance to the Democrat side.
Notice in the drawing on the right how the location of the Democrat and Republican box has moved left on the Horizontal Axis. This is due to the education that Americans receive in school and through Foundation controlled media. It is nearly impossible for the common American today to imagine a solution for a problem that doesn’t involve the creation of new laws. Anyone watching news and following government realizes that regardless of the party in control, laws are never repealed, but instead are either modified or superseded with new but similar laws. Foundations money fills the pocket of both parties and neither one would stand a chance during the next election without this Foundations support. Having financial control of both major parties enables the slow shift of the American Government ultimately toward the left.
One last thing, openly the media and school systems mislabel the Nazi’s and other groups who support totalitarian government as “Ultra-Right” when they are in fact “Ultra-Left”. Simultaneously they also correctly label Libertarians also as “Ultra-Right”. Common sense alone should make most Americans question what’s going on, but thanks to opinion and perception control, most don’t even notice this glaring inconsistency.

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